速報APP / 生活品味 / Smart SoundLights for PLAYBULB

Smart SoundLights for PLAYBULB





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Sholohova st. Dnepropetrovsk 49000 Украина

Smart SoundLights for PLAYBULB(圖1)-速報App

Attention! App only for PLAYBULB device from MIPOW

App allow you to create sound light show at home using PLAYBULB. All, what you need, it’s connect smart bulb by Bluetooth and choose music.

Application transforms sound frequency and amplitude to colors at every moment.


- Connect up to 5 light bulbs at the same time;

- Special Music Player for creating Playlist and other;

Smart SoundLights for PLAYBULB(圖2)-速報App

- Equalizer to control colors for each frequency range.

- Material design

- Fun party at home or office.


- Have you found mistake in translation? Easy way to fix it: https://goo.gl/K3R7SJ


Smart SoundLights for PLAYBULB(圖3)-速報App

- Bluetooth/Location: To connect device by bluetooth. Requires by system from Android 6.0

- Audio record: To analyze audio and transform it to sound-light

- Storage: To display music stored on your device

- Call control: To mute sound when you receive a call and other.

Help to develop the application further. Share information about it with friends on social networks.

Facebook: facebook.com/makeev.apps

Smart SoundLights for PLAYBULB(圖4)-速報App

Google+: plus.google.com/+DmitriyMakeev

VKontakte: vk.com/makeev_apps

Send us your suggestions and comments on soundlight.playbulb@gmail.com

Smart SoundLights for PLAYBULB(圖5)-速報App